Some insights - to nurture, inspire, challenge and empower you.

A new Perspective


Leading every business has to be a transformative act. No-one can stand still.  The pandemic has challenged old paradigms. Either by design or as the consequence of circumstances outside of your control, your business will change. To be ahead of the curve and focus on being the best you can be you need to challenge your own thinking and be open to change! Download the Build A Business That Works Framework.

There Is No Need To Rush

There Is No Need To Rush

For the first time, I have understood what went wrong with the Dove Spa Project. We went too quickly. No one person or organisation was to blame, collectively we just went too fast. But it is only now, through the lens of organisational intelligence, that I truly...

Your #1 Role: Anarchy Avoidance.

Your #1 Role: Anarchy Avoidance.

This is the unfortunate truth for many founders, owners and leaders in businesses transitioning from one tier of organisation to the next. As the organisation grows and becomes more complex, many executives believe that they need to exert more control over the...

Organising for Uncertainty

Organising for Uncertainty

A few businesses are thriving and a few are abandoning ship.  Most businesses, however, are somewhere in-between. As we approach the post-pandemic era, there are many unanswered questions.  You might say there is more uncertainty now than ever before. It is without a...

It Doesn’t Need Fixing – It Needs New Thinking!

It Doesn’t Need Fixing – It Needs New Thinking!

When it comes to the working environment of your business, it is best not to try to fix it. Instead of fixing the old environment, which is broken in the past, create a new environment for the future. You can’t change the past. It has happened and nothing can fix it....

It Didn’t Work – Why Are You Surprised?

It Didn’t Work – Why Are You Surprised?

It didn’t work! Why are you so Surprised? I was 26 years old, and my boss chose me to go on a costly business course when I was living in Australia. It cost over £2000. He was excited about what I would learn and how we could make changes in running the marketing for...

You either create change or change happens to you.

You either create change or change happens to you.

Almost a year ago we all had our lives changed for us.  For many the instant reaction was panic, for some it was to survive and for a few, it was to drive forward. Now as we start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, move closer, more and more people are looking...

It’s All About The Team

It’s All About The Team

Have you ever stopped to wonder why people do what they do? Most of the time, we just take it for granted. That person is a graphic designer or an accountant or a business owner, or even a consultant. You started your business to achieve something very special to you;...

Why your morning routine can work wonders.

Why your morning routine can work wonders.

What if you could be certain you would achieve what you set out to each day and feel fulfilled and empowered? It sounds like an impossible dream. And yet we all have days like that sometimes. It's just that more often than not we get to the end of the day and think...

Book Your Performance Strategy Call

Get clear about the direction in which you want to travel and discover how to generate the momentum to achieve your vision

The Amazing Brain Dump Exercise

When you are feeling overwhelmed this simple. yet powerful exercise will help you see the wood from the trees and get back into productive action fast.

Attract & Convert The Right Customers

If you are frustrated that you are not connecting with the right customers, you need to get the right customer intelligence so that your message hits them right between the eyes.

How To Build a Business That Works…

and stop the low paid, time-sucking job you accidentally created for yourself so that you can live the lifestyle that you have always dreamt of and have the abundance of money, time and resources and the vitality to live it.

The simple 5-Step Framework will guide you through some simple multiple-choice questions that will reveal to you the simple steps you can take to make progress in your business. When you have completed the questions do not try to take on everything, pick one thing to work on and notice the difference it makes.

Download the Build a Business Framework today and start creating a different future for your business!