About ME


The world is always changing and we have to change with it…or are you the one changing it?
With the impact of the pandemic, it may feel like you are not in control… BUT you are the control for your business. Download the Build a Business That Works Framework NOW.  #Makeyourplan NICE Leadership®.

01. Strategic

I have built two businesses to £multi-million turnover. As is often the case, on the journey to success, there are pitfalls and failures that teach us many lessons. The important part is to take on board the lessons that come to us along the way. Running a business provides you with the “playground” to learn!

Every business is unique. Understanding how to create an environment that nurtures and continually innovates for that uniqueness is a required skill of leadership at every level in your organisation and I call it NICE Leadership®.

02. Framework

The lessons I have learned from running two very different businesses have enabled me to understand the demands of the modern business. Whilst the building blocks of strategy, marketing, sales, operations, finance and talent are vital, there is one facet of business that cannot be overlooked.

Drawing on over 33 years of business, coaching, mentoring and consulting experience, I have developed a proprietary approach to help you, the business owner, overcome the challenge or obstacle that thwarts yout progress. I help you create the unique working environment, that supports your strategic goals and aspirations.  I call it NICE Leadership® and when applied to your organisation, the outcome will be as unique as a fingerprint, organically created from within and impossible for any competitor to replicate or copy.

03. Environment

Businesses today need a different working environment from the businesses of yesterday. The market has changed for both employees and consumers and businesses have to adapt to remain viable.

Your business environment is an extension of your mindset, the physical elements and the necessary foundations of your business. They can support a culture based on contribution and collaboration. Historical hierarchies of position and power, the linear command and control structures, must be replaced with natural hierarchies based on contribution. Traditional linear command and control leadership cannot succeed in the new paradigm. Now we need NICE Leadership®. Leadership that can nurture, inspire, challenge and empower the entire workforce to achieve their peak performance.

A Need For Change

The Numbers Don’t Lie

In the UK a mere 11% of employees are engaged, 68% are not engaged and a staggering 21% are actively disengaged, compare that to the global figures displayed. As the business world moves towards an ever-increasing number of SME businesses, the ability to motivate, inspire and engage the workforce fully becomes more and more critical. NICE Leadership® is the key to a fully engaged workforce existing in a peak performance environment.

Source: State of the Global Workplace, 2017 Gallup, Inc


Not Engaged


Actively Dissengaged


What We Do Best


To survive successfully in the current economic environment, business management must develop a transformative and positive mindset. The environment created must encourage growth and suppress destructive forces. Creating this transformative environment is the fundamental role of leadership at all levels of the organisation, from the leadership of one for the solopreneur to the leadership of many for the SME.


I look at your whole organisation and support you and your team in aligning all of the moving parts to deliver exceptional customer experiences that create amazingly profitable businesses. Your business has to be the best expression of your Purpose, Vision and Values combined with the right roles.


The role of leadership of any enterprise is to create, sustain and nurture an environment where every person within the enterprise can apply all of their knowledge, talent, skills, energy and passion towards transforming the vision of that enterprise into reality.

From the solopreneur up to the SME, to thrive in an increasingly changing post-pandemic world, your leadership has to be at the highest standard. When you set out on the journey of being an entrepreneur you started with a passion, a vision and a set of skills. As your business grows, the passion you started it with is no longer enough to drive the business forward. Together we will identify your superpower and build your leadership skills to deliver the success you desire. I call it NICE Leadership® 


How your customers experience your business, your products and services is by your design. The path or customer journey that you design will ensure that your customers will never be confused and your team will always know what to do next. When you have a clearly defined customer journey for each of your customer avatars, all of the thousands of moving parts in your business can work in perfect harmony.


Delivering exceptional customer experiences is reliant on being able to deliver consistent standards across all areas of the business. Designing those behaviour standards can be challenging, yet with my approach, all of your team get involved with the process and learn how to deliver your standards.


At 2be2serve I am building a community of like-minded business owners and professionals with good business ideas.  To get the quickest direct access to me you can either join my Private Facebook Group or my LinkedIn Group. I respond to any posts very quickly.

Get In Touch

My challenge was my hesitation and uncertainty. Developing my character, understanding how to work with people, managing personal relationships with business relationships enabled me to develop a team member from a £30k to £90k salary in five years. You made me believe if I put the work in, I get the result and the best way is to fail fast.

Matt O

Managing Director


Simple 5-Step Framework that maps out exactly how to run a successful business so that you earn enough money to afford the lifestyle you desire and the abundance, vitality and time to live it!

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